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ADA Ramp Contractors Wilmington NC
If your business does not have a ramp, even if it was built before these were required, you’ll want to consider installing these ASAP.
While it may seem like a hindrance more than a boon, the more people who can comfortably access your business means the easier time you’ll have getting new customers and clientele and of course, the less hassle received from the Wilmington, North Carolina mayor’s office. We offer full service for the installation of ADA-compliant ramps but if you’re not convinced, we have a few answers to some of the most common questions we get.

Do I Have to Install ADA Concrete Sidewalk Ramps?
To be considered fully compliant with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), every path that someone can travel along which includes but is not limited to sidewalks, streets, and curbs must be accessible. This went into effect in the early 2010s and, as a good business owner, should not be ignored.
Regarding the requirements for sidewalk ramps, these can differ from city to city and state to state. However, the consensus typically is that ADA sidewalk ramps cannot have a cross slope of more than half an inch and must have a ratio of for every inch of height change there is at least twenty inches of ramp route. If that wasn’t complicated enough, you’ll also need to consider if the slope is perpendicular to a roadway or rail platform as the ratio changes accordingly. There is an exception for vehicle loading areas (say at a hospital) but these fall under a different ruleset.
Alright, here’s a little secret. You don’t need to worry about and memorize all of those facts! What you do need to know is your property must adhere to the ADA’s guidelines and the easiest way to do this is by working with concrete contractors like ourselves. We offer a full suite of ADA parking lot services and are familiar with the requirements that must be met when installing a sidewalk or curb ramp.
What About ADA Compliant Curb Ramps?
Similar to sidewalk ramps, these ramps follow the same ratio rule with a few tweaks. We won’t get into the nitty-gritty here but just know that if you would like to employ curb ramp flares, have adjacent counter slopes, etc – each type requires a different ratio to be observed and considered compliant.
When it comes to curb and entrance ramps as well as any ADA curb ramp installation, another consideration is surface texture. You may have noticed, especially at hospitals, that some include no-slip textures that allow for grip even when it’s wet. While these can definitely be added with ease, Wilmington Concrete Contractors can take the guesswork out of the diameter requirements, etc. to ensure you get what you want without the headache of needing to do the math.